编号: | 名称 |
1. | Jing Wang, Chunhong Li, Wenjie Hu, Wei Han, Qihua Zhu, Yao Xu*, “Hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets incorporated antireflective silica coating with enhanced laser induced damage threshold”, High Power Laser Science and Enginnering, 2018, 2018, 6, e26. |
2. | Jing Zhang, Jing Wang, Chunming Yang, Hongbao Jia, Xinmin Cui, Shichao Zhao and Yao Xu*, “Mesoporous SiO2/VO2 Double-layer Thermochromic Coating with Improved Visible Transmittance for Smart Window”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 162, 2017, 134-141. |
3. | Jing Wang, Cong Zhang, Chunming Yang, Ce Zhang, Mengchao Wang, Jing Zhang, Yao Xu*, “Superhydrophilic antireflective periodic mesoporous organosilica coating on flexible polyimide substrate with strong abrasion-resistance”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9, 5468-5476. |
4. | Xinmin Cui, Ruimin Ding, Mengchao Wang, Conghui Wang, Jing Zhang, Jing Wang, and Yao Xu*, “A hydrophobic and abrasion-resistant MgF2 coating with ultralow refractive index for double-layer broadband antireflective coating”, Journal of Material Chemistry C, 2017, 5, 3088–3096. |
5. | Xinmin Cui, Mengchao Wang, Cong Zhang, Ce Zhang, Ruimin Ding, and Yao Xu*, “In-Situ Surface Assembly Derived Ultralow-Refractive Index Film for Tri-Layer Broadband Antireflective Coating”, 2016, Advanced Optical Materials, 2016, 4(6), 722-730. |
6. | Jing Zhang, Hong Tian, Liang Hao, Xinmin Cui, Conghui Wang, Jing Wang, Ce Zhang, Cong Zhanga, and Yao Xu*, “Thermochromic VO2 Films from Ammonium Citrato-oxovanadate (IV) with Excellent Optical and Phase Transition Properties”, Journal of Material Chemistry C, 2016, 4, 5281 – 5288. |
7. | Cong Zhang, Ruimin Ding, Ce Zhang, Xinmin Cui, Jing Wang, Qinghua Zhang, and Yao Xu*, “New water vapor barrier film based on lamellar aliphatic-monoamine-bridged polysilsesquioxane”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8(23), 14766-14775. |
8. | Jing Wang, Chunming Yang, Ce Zhang, Cong Zhang, Mengchao Wang, Jing Zhang, Xinmin Cui, Ruimin Ding, Yao Xu*, “Broadband antireflective double-layer mesoporous silica coating with strong abrasion-resistance for solar cell glass”, RSC advances, 2016, 6, 25191 – 25197. |
9. | Jianghong Wu, Li Qin, Conghui Wang, Baoliang Lv, Liancheng Wang, Jiangang Chen, Yao Xu, “Ultrathin N-rich Boron Nitride Nanosheets Supported Iron catalyst for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis”, RSC Advances, 2016,6(44), 38356-38364. |
10. | Wanxi Li, Liancheng Wang, Guomin Li, Yao Xu, “Hollow CoFe2O4-Co3Fe7 microspheres applied in electromagnetic absorption”, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 377, 2015, 259-266. |
11. | Guomin Li, Liancheng Wang, Wanxi Li, and Yao Xu, “NiFe2O4, Fe3O4–FexNiy or FexNiy loaded Porous Activated Carbon Balls as Lightweight Microwave Absorbent”, RSC advances, 2015, 5, 8248 – 8257. |
12. | Hai Zhou, Baoliang Lv, Liancheng Wang, Dong Wu, and Yao Xu, “Restructure of Co3O4 particles from polycrystalline microspheres to single-crystalline polyhedra under the assistance of acetic acid”, Crystal Engineering Communication, 2015, 17, 1848-1855. |
13. | Wanxi Li, Liancheng Wang, Guomin Li, Yao Xu “Single-crystal octahedral CoFe2O4 nanoparticles loaded on carbon balls as a lightweight microwave absorbent”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 633, 2015, 11-17. |
14. | Guomin Li, Liancheng Wang, Wanxi Li, and Yao Xu, “Mesoporous Fe@C and Core-Shell Fe-Fe3C@C Composites as Efficient Microwave Absorbents”, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 211, (2015), 97-104. |
15. | Ruimin Ding, Xinmin Cui, Cong Zhang, Ce Zhang, and Yao Xu, “Tri-Wavelength Broadband Antireflective Coating built from refractive index-controlled MgF2 films”, Journal of Material Chemistry C, 2015, 3, 3219-3224. |
16. | Jinghua Sun, Xinmin Cui, Ce Zhang, Cong Zhang, Ruimin Ding, and Yao Xu, “A Broadband Antireflective Coating Based on A Double-Layer System Containing Mesoporous Silica and Nanoporous Silica”, Journal of Material Chemistry C, 2015, accepted. |
17. | Cong Zhang, Qinghua Zhang, Ce Zhang, Jinghua Sun, Ruimin Ding, and Yao Xu, “A double-layer protective & antireflective film for KDP crystal based on X-bridged polysilsesquioxane and silica suspension”, RSC Advances, accepted. |
18. | Guomin Li, Liancheng Wang, Wanxi Li, and Yao Xu, “CoFe2O4 and/or Co3Fe7 loaded Porous Activated Carbon Balls as a Lightweight Microwave Absorbent”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2014, 16, 12385-12392. |
19. | Jinghua Sun, Qinghua Zhang, Ruimin Ding, Haibing Lv, Hongwei Yan, Xiaodong Yuan, and Yao Xu, “Contamination-Resistant Silica Antireflective Coating with Closed Ordered Mesopores”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2014, 16, 16684-16693. |
20. | Liancheng Wang, Ruiqiang Hang, Yao Xu, Chunli Guo and Yitai Qian, “From ultrathin nanosheets, triangular plates to nanocrystals with exposed (102) facets, a morphology and phase transformation of sp2 hybrid BN nanomaterials”, RSC advances, 2014, 4, 14233–14240. |
21. | Jinghua Sun, Ce Zhang, Cong Zhang, Ruimin Ding and Yao Xu, “Effect of Post-Treatment on the Ordered Mesoporous Silica Antireflective Coating”, RSC advances, 2014, 4 (92), 50873–50881. |
22. | Wanxi Li, Baoliang Lv, Liancheng Wang, Guomin Li, Yao Xu, “Fabrication of Fe3O4@C core-shell nanotubes and the application as a lightweight microwave absorbent”, RSC advances, 2014, 4 (99), 55738 - 55744. |
23. | Li Guo-min, Wang Lian-cheng, and Xu Yao, “Templated synthesis of highly ordered mesoporous cobalt ferrite and its microwave absorption property”, Chinese Physics B, 2014, 23(8): 088105. |
24. | Hong Tian, Yao Xu, “Microwave-assisted solvothermal synthesis of In-Si co-doped TiO2 photocatalyst with enhanced photocatalytic activity”, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 2014, 30(8), 1543-1549. |
25. | Hai Zhou, Baoliang Lv, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, “Synthesis and electrochemical properties of NiO nanospindles”, Materials Research Bulletin, 50 (2014) 399–404. |
26. | Hai Zhou, Baoliang Lv, Dong Wu, Yao Xu, “Synthesis of polycrystalline Co3O4 nanowires with excellent ammonium perchlorate catalytic decomposition property”, Materials Research Bulletin, 2014, 60, 492-497. |
27. | Liancheng Wang, Jianghong Wu, Le Wang Chunli Guo, Yao Xu, “High-yield synthesis of uniform B, N-rich BN-Cx nanoplates in mild temperatures”, Journal of Nanoparticles Research, (2014) 16:2511. |
28. | Baoliang Lv, Hai Zhou, Dong Wu, Yao Xu, “Single-crystalline dodecahedral α-Fe2O3 particles with nanometer size: synthesis and characterization", Journal of Nanoparticles Research, (2014) 16:2799 |
29. | Wanxi Li, Baoliang Lv, Yao Xu, “Sub-30nm Fe3O4 and γ-Fe2O3 octahedral particles: preparation and microwave absorption properties”, Journal of Nanoparticles Research, 2013, 15:2114. |
30. | Hai Zhou, Baoliang Lv, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, “One-pot hydrothermal preparation and properties of octahedral Co3O4 nanoparticles enclosed by {111} facets”, Crystal Engineering Communication, 2013, 15, 8337-8344. |
31. | Zhong Liu, Baoliang Lv, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, “Magnetic and electrochemical behavior of rhombohedral α-Fe2O3 nanostructures with (104) dominant facets”, Particuology, 11, 2013, 327-333. |
32. | Baoliang Lv, Zhong Liu, Ruimin Ding, Dong Wu and Yao Xu, “Fast production of β-Ni(OH)2 nanostructures with (001) and (100) planes exposure and their electrochemical properties”, Journal of Material Chemistry A, 2013, 1, 5695 - 5699. |
33. | Zhong Liu, Baoliang Lv, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, “Hexagonal α-Fe2O3 nanorods bound by high-index facets as high-performance electrochemical sensor”, Journal of Material Chemistry A. 2013, 1, 3040-3046. |
34. | Shuhai Chen, Baoliang Lv, Dong Wu, Yao Xu, “Microwave-assisted solvothermal synthesis of Ag-Si codoped TiO2 nanoparticles for enhanced visible light photocatalytic activity”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 13, (2013), 1569-1573. |
35. | 胡文杰,贾红宝,孙菁华,丁瑞敏,吴东,徐耀, ”溶胶-凝胶法制备用于氟磷酸盐向日葵小视频APP氟化镁减反射膜”,光学学报, 33(5), 2013,0531001-1~6. |
36. | 贾红宝,孙菁华,徐耀,吴东,吕海兵,袁晓东, “X射线反射法和椭圆偏振法结合测量热处理溶胶-凝胶ZrO2薄膜的结构和光学参数”,材料科学与工程学报, 2013, 31(1), 46-49. |
37. | Jinghua Sun, Baohu Wu, Hongbao Jia, Dong Wu, Yao Xu, “Fluoroalkyl-grafted mesoporous silica AR films with enhanced stability in vacuum”, Optics Letters, 37(19), 2012, 4095-4097. |
38. | Hongbao Jia, Jinghua Sun, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, “Determination of thickness and optical constants of sol-gel derived polyvinylpyrrolidone/ZrO2 films from transmission spectra using different dispersion models”, Applied Optics, 51(29), 2012, 6937-6944. |
39. | Zhong Liu, Baoliang Lv, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, and Yuhan Sun, “The preparation and properties of octodecahedral α-Fe2O3 nanoparticles enclosed by (104) and (112) facets”, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 25, 2012, 4076–4081. |
40. | Shuhai Chen, Baoliang Lv, Yao Xu, “Fe-quinoline complexes sensitized Si-doped TiO2 with enhanced visible light photocatalytic activity”, Materials Letters, 77, 2012, 32-34. |
41. | Qifeng Chen, Huijuan Shi, Weimei Shi, Yao Xu and Dong Wu, “Enhanced visible photocatalytic activity of titania–silica photocatalysts: effect of carbon and silver doping”, Catalysis Science &Technology, 2012, 2, 1213-1220. |
42. | TIAN Hong, ZHANG –Lei, XU Yao, WU Dong, WU Zhong-Hua, LU Hai-Bing, YUAN Xiao-Dong, “Comparision of Silica Anti-Reflective Films Obtained via a Sol-Gel Process in the Presence of PEG or PVP”, Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 2012, 28 (5), 1197-1205. |
43. | 孙菁华,徐耀,晏良宏,吕海兵,袁晓东, “用于1053 nm高功率脉冲激光的有序介孔减反射膜”,物理学报, 2012, 61(20), 206802. |
44. | 贾红宝,孙菁华,徐耀,吴东,吕海滨,晏良宏,袁晓东, “利用透射光谱与X射线反射谱精确测量溶胶-凝胶TiO2薄膜薄膜厚度和光学常数”,光学学报, 2012, 32(8), 0831001. |
45. | Weimei Shi, Qifeng Chen, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Chunfang Huo, “Investigation of the silicon concentration effect on anatase Si-doped TiO2 by first-principles calculation”, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 184, 2011, 1983-1988. |
46. | Baoliang Lv, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, “Electron beam induced structural evolution in Fe3O4\SiO2 particles: A new route to obtain movable core structures”, Materials Research Bulletin, 46(6), 2011, 941-945. |
47. | Tao Tang, Xiaoan Li, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, Jun Xu, and Feng Deng, “Bilirubin adsorption on methyl/amine bifunctionalized SBA-15 with platelet morphology”, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 84(2), 2011, 571-578. |
48. | Tao Tang, Yanling Zhao, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Jun Xu, and Feng Deng, “Functionalized SBA-15 materials for bilirubin adsorption”, Applied Surface Science, 257(14), 2011, 6004-6009. |
49. | Yanling Zhao, Qiang Gao, Tao Tang, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, “Effective NH2-grafting on mesoporous SBA-15 surface for adsorption of heavy metal ions”, Materials Letters, 65(6), 2011, 1045-1047. |
50. | Weimei Shi, Qifeng Chen, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Chunfang Huo, “A first-principles calculation on the electronic properties of Si/N-codoped TiO2”, Applied Surface Science, 2011, 257(7), 3000-3006. |
51. | Weimei Shi, Hong Tian, Shengwei Hu, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, “Protective Film for NiSO46H2O UV Light Filter Based on Diisocyanate-Bridged Polysilsesquioxane”, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering, 5(1), 2011, 1-11. |
52. | Baoliang Lv, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, “Single-crystal α-Fe2O3 hexagonal nanorings: stepwise influence of different anionic ligands (F- and SCN- anions)”, Chemical Communications, 2011, 47 (3), 967–969. |
53. | Hong Tian, Dongjiang Yang, Yao Xu, “Single-layer silica anti-reflective films modified with polytetramethylene glycol”, Materials Science Forum, 2011, V663-665 (2011) 969-973. |
54. | Qifeng Chen, Weimei Shi, Dong Jiang, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun “Visible-light-responsive Ag--Si codoped anatase TiO2 photocatalyst with enhanced thermal stability”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 125 (2011), 825-832. |
55. | Junhua Li, Qiang Gao, Dong Jiang, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, Feng Deng, “Hollow mesoporous aluminosilicate spheres with acidic shell”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 125 (2011), 286-292. |
56. | Baoliang Lv, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, “Morphology evolution of a-Fe2O3 nanoparticles: the effect of dihydrogen phosphate anions", Crystal Engineering Communication, 2011, 13, 7293-7298. |
57. | 史慧娟,陈其凤,徐耀,吕宝亮,吴东, “PMMA为模板合成多孔TiO2微米球及紫外光催化性能”,化学学报, 2011, 69(8), 863-869. |
58. | 李万喜,吕宝亮,徐耀,吴东, “Fe3O4十八面体和十二面体的合成及磁性能研究”,材料研究学报, 25(2), 2011, 141-146. |
59. | 史卫梅,陈其凤,徐耀,吴东,霍春芳, “Si掺杂锐钛矿TiO2的第一性原理研究”, 原子与分子物理学报, , 2011, 28(2), 359-366. |
60. | 史卫梅,陈其凤,徐耀,吴东,霍春芳, “C掺杂锐钛矿TiO2的第一性原理研究”,计算机与应用化学, 28(3), 2011, 270-274. |
61. | 张彩红,盛毅,吴刚平,吕春祥,徐耀,吴忠华,李志宏, “全谱拟合法研究聚丙烯腈基碳纤维形成过程中晶态结构演变”,物理学报, 2011, 60(3), 405-413. . |
62. | 陈淑海,徐耀,吕宝亮,吴东, “Ag负载TiO2纳米管微波辅助水热法制备及其光催化性能”,物理化学学报, 2011, 27 (12), 2933-2938. |
63. | Baoliang Lv, Zhenyu Liu, Hong Tian, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, “Fluorine anion-assisted hydrothermally synthesized single crystalline dodecahedral and octodecahedral α-Fe2O3 nanoparticles”, Advanced Functional Materials, 20, 2010, 3987-3996. |
64. | Qiang Gao, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Wanling Shen, Feng Deng, “Synthesis, Characterization, and in vitro pH-Controllable Drug Release from Mesoporous Silica Spheres with Switchable Gates”, Langmuir, 2010, 26 (22), 17133–17138. |
65. | Baoliang Lv, Yao Xu, Hong Tian, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, “Ultrasonic synthesis of Fe3O4/SiO2/Ag particles and its application in surface enhanced Raman scattering”, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 183 (2010) 2968-2973. |
66. | Shucui Zhang, Dong Jiang, Tao Tang, Junhua Li, Yao Xu, Wanling Shen, Jun Xu, Feng Deng, “TiO2/SBA-15 photocatalysts synthesized through the surface acidolysis of Ti(OnBu)4 on carboxyl-modified SBA-15”, Catalysis Today, 158 (2010) 329-335. |
67. | Qifeng Chen, Weimei Shi, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, “AgSi Co-doped TiO2 Photocatalyst Synthesized via a Nonaqueous Method”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10(11), 2010, 7221-7225.. |
68. | Baoliang Lv, Yao Xu, Qiang Gao, Dong Wu and Yuhan Sun, “Controllable synthesis and magnetism of iron oxides nanorings”, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10(4), 2010, 2348-2359. |
69. | Yanling Zhao, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Wei Wei, Yuhan Sun, Abdullah S.N. Al-Arifi, Taieb Aouak, Zeid Abdullah Al-Othman, “Hydrophobic Mesoporous Silica Applied in GC Separation of Hexene Isomers”, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, 56(1), 2010, 93-98. |
70. | Wanling Shen, Wujun Xu, Qiang Gao, Jun Xu, Hailu Zhang, Anmin Zheng, Yao Xu, Feng Deng, “Intactness and spatial proximity of acid-base groups in bifunctional SBA-15 as revealed by solid-state NMR”, Chemical Physics Letters, 491, 2010, 72-74. |
71. | Wanling Shen, Shenhui Li, Jun Xu, Hailu Zhang, Wei Hu, Dan Zhou, Jianan Zhang, Jihong Yu, Wujun Xu, Yao Xu, Feng Deng, “A Novel Phase Transformation Phenomenon in Mesostructured Aluminophosphate”, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2010, 114 (15), 7076–7084. |
72. | Dongjiang Yang, Blain Paul, Wujun Xu, Yong Yuan, Erming Liu, Xuebin Ke, Robert M. Wellard, Cheng Guo, Yao Xu, Yuhan Sun and Huaiyong Zhu, “Alumina nanofibers grafted with functional groups- A new design in efficient sorbents for removal of toxic contaminants from water”, Water Research, 44(3), 2010, 741-750. |
73. | 项小敏,吴宝虎,徐耀, ”单分散氟烷基改性双疏SiO2球的制备研究”,材料科学与工程学报, 28(5), 2010, 711-715. |
74. | 吴宝虎,张书翠,唐涛,徐耀,柳义,吴忠华, “羧基官能化SBA-15型介孔分子筛的X射线小角散射研究”,物理化学学报, 2010, 26(8), 2217-2223. |
75. | 张书翠,姜东,唐涛,李君华,徐耀, “高分散TiO2/SBA-15的制备及光催化性能研究”,物理化学学报, 2010, 26(5), 1330-1336. |
76. | 陈其凤,史卫梅,姜东,徐耀,吴东,孙予罕, “可见光响应的镍硅共掺杂二氧化钛及其光催化性能”,化学学报, 2010, 68(4), 301-308. |
77. | Junhua Li, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, “Hollow Mesoporous Silica Sphere Supported Cobalt Catalysts for F-T Synthesis”, Catalysis Today, 148 (2009) 148–152. |
78. | Shengwei Hu, Yao Xu, Dong Jiang, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, Huimei Yu, Lingjun Qi, “Novel moisture–resistant protective films for UV light filter based on diisocyanate–bridged polysilsesquioxanes”, Thin Solid Films, 518 (2009) 348–354. |
79. | Qiang Gao, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Xiaoan Li, “pH-responsive drug release from polymer-coated mesoporous silica spheres”, Journal of Physical Chemistry: C, 2009, 113, 12753–12758. |
80. | Qifeng Chen, Dong Jiang, Weimei Shi, Dong Wu, Yao Xu, “Visible-Light-Activated Ce-Si Co-doped TiO2 Photocatalyst”, Applied Surface Science, 255 (2009) 7918–7924. |
81. | Baoliang Lv, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, and Yuhan Sun, “Preparation of α-Fe2O3 nanodisks by blocking the growth of (001) plane”, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 25(2), 2009, 155-158. |
82. | Baoliang Lv, Yao Xu, Bo Hou, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun,“Preparation, characterization and combustion properties of Zr/ZrH2 particles coated with α-FeOOH crystal grains”, Particuology, 7 (2009) 169–174. |
83. | Dong Jiang, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, “Isocyanate-modified TiO2 visible-light-activated photocatalyst”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 88 (2009) 165-172. |
84. | Shengwei Hu, Dongjiang Yang, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, “A novel moisture-resistant film for NiSO4·6H2O filter based on isophorone diisocyanate-bridged polysilsesquioxane”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 114 (2009) 868–873. |
85. | Baoliang Lv, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, and Yuhan Sun, “Preparation and magnetic properties of spindle porous iron nanoparticles”, Materials Research Bulletin, 44 (2009) 961-965. |
86. | Wujun Xu, Qiang Gao, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, “pH-Controlled drug release from mesoporous silica tablets coated with hydroxypropyl methylcellulose phthalate”, Materials Research Bulletin, 44 (2009), 606-612. |
87. | Wujun Xu, Qiang Gao, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, “Controllable release of ibuprofen from size-adjustable mesoporous silica spheres”, Powder Technology, 191 (2009) 13–20. |
88. | Liping Liang, Yao Xu, DongWu, Yuhan Sun, “A simple sol–gel route to ZrO2 films with high optical performances”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 114 (2009) 252–256. |
89. | 盛毅,张彩红,徐耀,吕春祥,吴刚平,吴忠华,李志宏, “二维小角X射线散射法研究PAN基炭纤维内部微孔结构”,新型炭材料, 24, 2009(3), 270-276. |
90. | 高强,徐耀,吴东,孙予罕, “超疏水有机-无机杂化硅基介孔分子筛对苯丙氨酸的吸附研究”,化学学报, 2009, 67 (15): 1754—1758. |
91. | 陈其凤,姜东,徐耀,吴东,孙予罕, “溶胶-凝胶-水热法制备Ce-Si/TiO2及其可见光催化性能”,物理化学学报, 25(4), 2009, 617-623. |
92. | Yao Xu, Yanxia Cui, Dong Jiang, Dong Wu, and Yu Han Sun, “Dye-templating Nonsurfactant Synthesis of Mesoporous Silica”, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 109(1-3), 2008, 335-341. |
93. | Qiang Gao, Wujun Xu, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, Feng Deng, Wanling Shen, “Amino Acid Adsorption on Mesoporous Materials: Influence of Types of Amino Acids, Modification of Mesoporous Materials and Solution Conditions”, Journal of Physical Chemistry: B, 2008, 112, 2261-2267. |
94. | Lei Zhang, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, Xiaodong Jiang, Xiaofeng Wei, “Effect of PVP on the structure and laser damage resistance of sol-gel silica anti-reflective films”, Optics and Laser Technology, 40/2, 2008, 282-288. |
95. | Dong Jiang, Yao Xu, Bo Hou, Dong Wu, and Yuhan Sun, “A Simple Nonaqueous Route to Synthesis of Anatase TiO2”, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2008, 1236–1240 |
96. | Dong Jiang, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, “Visible-light responsive dye-modified TiO2 photocatalyst”, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 181/3, 2008, 593-602. |
97. | Juan Zou, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, “Self-assembly Ag2O Nanoparticles into Nanowires with the aid of Amino-functionalized Silica Nanoparticles”, Powder Technology, 183/1, 2008, 122-126. |
98. | Baoliang Lv, Yao Xu, Bo Hou, Dong Wu, and Yuhan Sun, “Preparation and combustion properties of α-Fe2O3 coated Zr particles”, Materials Research Bulletin., 43 (2008) 2769–2777. |
99. | Yonggang Sheng, Liping Liang, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, “Low-temperature deposition of the high-performance anatase-titania optical films via a modified sol-gel route”, Optical Materials, 30/8, 2008, 1310-1315 |
100. | Liping Liang, Yao Xu, Lei Zhang, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, Xiaodong Jiang, Xiaofeng Wei, Zhonghua Wu, “Polyvinylpyrrolidone ZrO2-based sol–gel films applied in highly reflective mirrors for inertial confinement fusion”, Journal Sol-Gel Science Technology, 2008, 47, 173-181. |
101. | Dongjiang Yang, Yao Xu, Wujun Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, “One-Step Synthesis of Hydrothermally Stable Mesoporous Aluminosilicates with Strong Acidity”, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 181 (2008) 2401–2405. |
102. | Dongjiang Yang, Yao Xu, Wujun Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, Huaiyong Zhu, “Tuning pore size and hydrophobicity of macroporous hybrid silica films with high optical transmittance by a Non-template route”, Journal of Material Chemistry, 2008, 18, 5557-5562. |
103. | Wujun Xu, Qiang Gao, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, Wanling Shen, Feng Den, “Controlled drug release from bifunctionalized mesoporous silica”, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 181, 2008, 2837-2844. |
104. | Baoliang Lv, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, and Yuhan Sun, “Modification Effect of SCN- Ions on the Morphology of α-Fe2O3 Nanoparticles”, Chemistry Letters, 37(11), 2008, 1152-1153. |
105. | Baoliang Lv, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, and Yuhan Sun, “Preparation and properties of magnetic iron oxide nanotubes”, Particuology, 6, 2008, 334-339. |
106. | Yonggang Sheng, Yao Xu, Dong Jiang, Liping Liang, Dong Wu and Yuhan Sun, “Hydrothermal Preparation of Visible-Light-Driven N-Br-Codoped TiO2 Photocatalysts", International Journal of Photoenergy, 2008, 1-7. |
107. | Dongjiang Yang, Zhanfeng Zheng, Hongwei Liu, Huaiyong Zhu, Xuebin Ke, Yao Xu, D. Wu, Y. Sun, “Layered Titanate Nanofibers as Efficient Adsorbents for Removal of Toxic Radioactive and Heavy Metal Ions from Water”, Journal of Physical Chemistry: C, 2008, 112, 16275–16280 |
108. | 胡胜伟,徐耀,吴东,吕海兵,赵松楠,袁晓东,蒋晓东, “用于KDP晶体的桥式聚倍半硅氧烷防潮膜”,强激光与粒子束, 20(9), 2008, 1474-1478. |
109. | 盛永刚,徐耀,张磊,梁丽萍,吴东,孙予罕,蒋晓东,魏晓峰, “溶胶-凝胶法制备高折射率TiO2激光光学薄膜”,强激光与粒子束,20(1), 2008, 75-78. |
110. | 崔延霞,张磊,徐耀,吴东,孙予罕,吕海兵,王海军,蒋晓东, “溶胶-凝胶法MgF2紫外增透膜的制备和性能研究”,强激光与粒子束, 20(3), 2008, 401-405. |
111. | 杨瑜杰,张磊,徐耀,吴东,孙予罕,赵松楠,王海军,吕海兵,蒋晓东, “高抗激光损伤阈值介孔SiO2减反射膜”,强激光与粒子束, 20(6), 2008, 935-938. |
112. | 胡胜伟,徐耀,吴东,孙予罕, “用于NSH紫外滤光片的长桥式聚倍半硅氧烷防潮膜”,化学学报, 66(20), 2008, 2253-2257. |
113. | 高恋,徐耀,侯博,吴东,孙予罕, “介孔氧化硅球负载钴基催化剂在F-T合成中的应用”,化学学报, 66(16), 2008, 1851-1856. |
114. | 徐武军,高强,徐耀,吴东,孙予罕, “基于HPMCP包覆介孔SBA-15的pH敏感药物缓释系统”,化学学报, 66(14), 2008, 1658-1662. |
115. | 盛永刚,梁丽萍,徐耀,姜东,吴东, “溶胶-凝胶法低温制备N掺杂TiO2可见光光催化剂”,无机化学学报, 24(1), 2008, 78-82. |
116. | 吕宝亮,徐耀,吴东,孙予罕, “多孔氧化铁纳米盘的制备与表征”,无机化学学报, 24(10), 2008, 1690-1694. |
117. | Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, Hongchang Gao, Hanzhen Yuan, Feng Deng, “A new study on the kinetics of Stöber synthesis by in-situ liquid 29Si NMR”, Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology., 42(1), 2007, 13-20. |
118. | Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, Hongchang Gao, Hanzhen Yuan, Feng Deng, “Ammonia-catalyzed Hydrolysis-condensation Kinetics of Tetraethoxysilane / Dimethyldiethoxysilane Mixture Studied by 29Si NMR and SAXS”, Journal of Solution Chemistry, 36(3), 2007, 324-344. |
119. | Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, Wenxue Chen, Hanzhen Yuan, Feng Deng, Zhonghua Wu, “Effect of polyvinylpyrrolidone on the ammonia-catalyzed sol-gel process of TEOS: study by in-situ 29Si NMR, scattering, and rheology”, Colloid and Surface: A, 305/1-3, 2007, 97-104. |
120. | Liping Liang, Yao Xu, Lei Zhang, Yonggang Sheng, Dong Wu and Yuhan Sun. “Annealing effect on the optical properties and laser-induced damage resistance of sol-gel derived ZrO2 films”, Journal of Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 24, 2007(5), 1066-1074. |
121. | Dong Jiang, Yao Xu, Bo Hou, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun "Synthesis of visible light-activated TiO2 photocatalyst via surface organic modification” Journal of Solid State Chemistry 180 (2007) 1787–1791 |
122. | Juan Zou, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, “Controlled Growth of Silver Nanoparticles in Hydrothermal Process”, Particuology, 5/3 (2007) 206–212. |
123. | Peng Feng, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, “Non-surfactant synthesis of mesoporous silica with dye as template”, Chinese Chemistry Letters, 18 (2007) 1182–1186 |
124. | Liping Liang, Yonggang Sheng, Yao Xu, Dong Wu and Yuhan Sun. “Optical properties of sol-gel derived ZrO2-TiO2 composite films”, Thin Solid Films, 515(20-21), 2007, 7765-7771 |
125. | Dongjiang Yang, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, and Yuhan Sun, Huaiyong Zhu, Feng Deng, “Super Hydrophobic Mesoporous Silica with Anchored Methyl Groups on the Surface by a One-Step Synthesis without Surfactant Template”, Journal of Physical Chemistry: C, 2007, 111, 999-1004. |
126. | 徐耀,吴东,孙予罕,蒋晓东, “针对1064nm、532nm和680nm波长的反射/吸收复合型防激光膜”,强激光与粒子束, 19(9), 2007, 1556-1560. |
127. | 徐耀,梁丽萍,吴东, “小角X射线散射应用研究若干进展”,物理,36, 2007(7), 524-527. |
128. | 徐耀,吴东,孙予罕,李志宏,吴中华, “应用弦长度分布函数研究中孔分子筛的精细结构”,化学学报, 65(16), 2007, 1533-1538. |
129. | 张磊,徐耀,蒋晓东,梁丽萍,吕海滨,李绪平,魏晓峰,吴东,孙予罕, “多重分形谱研究溶胶-凝胶SiO2疏水减反膜的激光预处理作用”,物理学报,56(7), 2007, 3833-3838. |
130. | 梁丽萍,徐耀,蒋晓东,魏晓峰,吴东,孙予罕, “溶胶-凝胶ZrO2-TiO2高折射率光学膜层的抗激光损伤性能研究”,物理学报,56(6), 2007, 3596-3601 |
131. | 邹隽,徐耀,吴东,孙予罕, “氧化银纳米线在官能化二氧化硅颗粒表面的自组装合成”,化学学报, 65(8), 2007, 768-772. |
132. | 姜东,徐耀,侯博,吴东,孙予罕, “有机改性TiO2光催化剂的制备及可见光催化性能”,化学学报,65(14), 2007, 1289-1293. |
133. | 高强,徐耀,吴东,孙予罕, “氨基酸在固体吸附剂表面的吸附”,化学进展,19(6), 2007, 1016-1025. |
134. | Liping Liang, Yao Xu, Xianglin Hou, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun,Zhihong Li, Zhonghua Wu, “Small-angle X-ray scattering study on the microstructure evolution of zirconia nanoparticles during calcinations”, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 179 (2006) 959–967. |
135. | Qunli Tang, Yao Xu, Dong Wu and Yuhan Sun, “A study of carboxylic-modified mesoporous silica in controlled delivery for drug famotidine”, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 179 (2006) 1512–1519. |
136. | Qunli Tang, Yao Xu, Dong Wu and Yuhan Sun, “Hydrophobicity-controlled Drug Delivery System from Organic Modified Mesoporous Silica”, Chemistry Letters, 2006, 35(5) 474-475. |
137. | Qunli Tang, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, Jiqing Wang, Jun Xu, Feng Deng, “Studies on a new carrier of trimethylsilyl-modified mesoporous material for controlled drug delivery”, Journal of Controlled Release, 114, 2006, 41-46. |
138. | Donjiang Yang, Yao Xu, Lei Zhang, Shangru Zhai, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, “Highly moisture-proof polysilsesquioxane coating prepared via facile sol-gel process”, Journal of Coating Technology research, 3(2), 2006, 127-131. |
139. | Dongjiang Yang, Junping Li, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, and Feng Deng, “Direct Formation of Hydrophobic Silica-based Micro/mesoporous Hybrids from Polymethylhydrosiloxane and Tetraethoxysilane”, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 95 (2006) 180–186. |
140. | Xianyong Sun, Yao Xu, Dong Jiang, Dongjiang Yang, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, Yongxia Yang, Hanzhen Yuan, Feng Deng, “Study on the Ammonia-catalyzed Hydrolysis Kinetics of Single Phenyltriethoxysilane and Mixed Phenyltriethoxysilane /Tetraethoxysilane systems by Liquid-State 29Si NMR”, Colloids and Surfaces: A 289 (2006) 149–157. |
141. | 刘亚琴,徐耀,李志杰,张秀萍,吴东,孙予罕,“CO2在纳米SiO2/TiO2悬浮体系中的光催化还原”,化学学报,64, 2006, 453-457. |
142. | 徐武军,徐耀,孙先勇,刘亚琴,吴东,孙予罕,“溶胶-凝胶和碳热还原法制备塔状SiC纳米棒”,新型炭材料,21(2),2006, 167-170. |
143. | 梁丽萍,徐耀,张磊,吴东,孙予罕,李志宏,吴中华,“溶胶-凝胶方法制备ZrO2及聚合物掺杂ZrO2单层光学增反射膜”,物理学报,55(8), 2006, 4371-4382. |
144. | 梁丽萍,张磊,徐耀,章斌,吴东,孙予罕,蒋晓东,魏晓峰,李志宏,吴中华,“PVP掺杂-ZrO2溶胶-凝胶工艺制备多层激光高反射膜的研究”,物理学报,55(11), 2006, 6175-6184. |
145. | 张磊,徐耀,黄进,蒋晓东,吕海滨,赵松楠,吴东,孙予罕,魏晓峰,“单甲基原位改性SiO2疏水减反膜的制备与性能研究”,强激光与粒子束, 18(10), 2006, 1648-1652. |
146. | Yao Xu, Lei Zhang, Dong Wu, and Yu Han Sun, Zu Xing Huang, Xiao Dong Jiang, and Xiao Feng Wei, Zhi Hong Li, Bao Zhong Dong, and Zhong Hua Wu, “Durable solgel antireflective films with high laser-induced damage thresholds for inertial confinement fusion”, Journal of Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 2005, 22(4), 905-912. |
147. | Yao Xu, Lei Zhang, Dong Wu, Yu Han Sun, Zu Xing Huang, Xiao Dong Jiang, Xiao Feng Wei, Zhi Hong Li, Bao Zhong Dong, Zhong Hua Wu, “Abrasion-resistant solgel antireflective films with a high laser-induced damage threshold for inertial confinement fusion”, Journal of Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 2005, 22(9), 1899-1910. |
148. | Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yu Han Sun, Zu Xing Huang, Xiao Dong Jiang, Xiao Feng Wei, Zhi Hong Li, Bao Zhong Dong, and Zhong Hua Wu, “Superhydrophobic antireflective silica films: fractal surfaces and laser-induced damage thresholds”, Applied Optics, 2005, 44(4), 527-533. |
149. | Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yu Han Sun, Zhi Hong Li, Bao Zhong Dong, Zhong Hua Wu, “Comparative study on hydrophobic anti-reflective films from three kinds of methyl-modified silica sols”, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2005, 351, 258–266. |
150. | Yao Xu, Ruili Liu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, Hongchang Gao, Hanzhen Yuan, Feng Deng, “Ammonia-catalyzed hydrolysis kinetics of mixture of tetraethoxysilane with methyltriethoxysilane by 29Si NMR”, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2005, 351, 2403-2413. |
151. | Yao Xu, Yanxia Cui, Dong Wu, and Yu Han Sun, “The Cactus-like Organic-grafted Silica Balls as the Supporter of TiO2 Photocatalyst”, Chemistry Letters, 2005, 34(10), 1394-1396. |
152. | Dongjiang Yang, Yao Xu, Shangru Zhai, Junlin Zheng, Junping Li, Dong Wu and Yuhan Sun, “Facile Nonsurfactant Route to Silica-based Bimodal Xerogels with Micro/Mesopores”, Chemistry Letters, 2005, 34(8), 1138-1139. |
153. | 徐耀,吴东,孙予罕,李志宏,董宝中,吴中华, “小角X射线散射法研究氧化硅溶胶的制备环境依赖性”,物理学报, 2005, 54(6), 2814-2820. |
154. | 盛永刚;徐耀;李志宏;吴东;孙予罕;吴中华, “气体吸附法测定二氧化硅干凝胶的分形维数”,物理学报, 2005, 54 (1): 221-227. |
155. | 杨东江,徐耀,张磊,翟尚儒,吴东,孙予罕, “溶胶-凝胶法制备桥式聚倍半硅氧烷/SiO2光学防潮膜”,化学学报, 2005, 63(15), 1461-1464. |
156. | 张磊,徐耀,黄祖鑫,杨东江,蒋晓东,吴东,孙予罕,魏晓峰, “聚乙二醇对溶胶一凝胶SiO2增透膜激光损伤行为的影响”,强激光与粒子束, 2005, 17(5), 669-672. |
157. | 刘勇,徐耀,李军平,章斌,吴东,孙予罕,不同形貌/晶型CdSe纳米材料的简易合成,化学学报, 2005, 63(21), 2017-2020. |
158. | 孙先勇,徐耀,徐武军,吴东,孙予罕,杨永霞,袁汉珍,邓风,液态29Si NMR研究TEOS/DDS混合体系的氨催化水解动力学,化学学报, 2005, 63(23), 2103-2111. |
159. | Yao Xu, Zhihong Li, Wenhao Fan, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, Lixia Rong, Baozhong Dong. “Density Fluctuation In Silica-PVA Hybrid Gels Determined By Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering” Applied Surface Science, 225, 126-133, 2004. |
160. | Ruili Liu, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun, Hongchang Gao, Hanzhen Yuan, Feng Deng. “Comparative study on the hydrolysis kinetics of substituted ethoxysilanes by liquid-state 29Si NMR” Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2004, 343, 61-70. |
161. | Junping Li, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun. “Hydrothermal synthesis of sandwich-like structured ZnS/Octamine hybrid nanosheets”, Solid State Communication, 130, 619-622, 2004. |
162. | Junping Li, Yao Xu, Dong Wu, Yuhan Sun. “Novel lamellar mesostructured ZnS nanofibers”, Chemistry Letters, 2004, 33, 718-719. |
163. | 徐耀,范文浩,章斌,吴东,黄祖鑫,蒋晓东,魏晓峰,孙予罕. “溶胶-凝胶法制备抗激光损伤SiO2疏水减反射膜”强激光与粒子束16(1), 40-44, 2004. |
164. | 刘瑞丽,徐耀,李志宏,孙予罕,高红昌,袁汉珍,邓风,吴东. “29Si-NMR研究Stöber反应的化学动力学”化学学报, 62(1), 22-27, 2004. |
165. | Yao Xu, Wen Hao Fan, Zhi Hong Li, Dong Wu and Yu Han Sun. “Anti-Reflective Silica Thin Films with Super Water-repellence via Sol-Gel Process”, Applied Optics 42, 108-112, 2003. |
166. | Yao Xu, Bing Zhang, Wen Hao Fan, Dong Wu, and Yu Han Sun. “Sol-gel Broadband Anti-Reflective Single-layer Silica Films With High Laser Damage Threshold”, Thin Solid Films 440(1-2), 180-183, 2003. |
167. | 徐耀,李志宏,范文浩,吴东,孙予罕,王俊,董宝中. “小角X射线散射法研究甲基改性氧化硅凝胶的双分形结构”物理学报52(2), 442-447, 2003. |
168. | 徐耀,李志宏,范文浩,吴东,孙予罕,王俊,董宝中. “小角X射线散射法研究甲基改性氧化硅干凝胶的孔结构”物理学报52(3), 635-640, 2003. |
169. | 徐耀,李志宏,范文浩,吴东,孙予罕,王俊,董宝中. “TEOS-MTES基SiO2溶胶微结构的SAXS研究”物理化学学报18(9), 781-785, 2002. |
170. | 徐耀,范文浩,章斌,吴东,孙予罕. “溶胶-凝胶法制备TEOS-DDS基SiO2疏水减反射膜:溶胶微结构对膜性能的影响”材料科学与工程9(3), 344-348, 2002. |